



  • Basic Bible Studies - Sola Scriptura based - 1 page! - free!


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A Study on Adornment. Part 1: Old Testament
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The Holy Spirit
A 1-page Overview
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The ABCs of Male & Female - An Introduction
written "in truth and love" (2 John 3)
Version 11.30.2023
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Bible Basics: StandPoints of Scripture
A Summary of Beliefs based on Scripture - 10 Points, 1 Page
Personal | Prophetic | Practical
Intended as a convenient resource and study aid, not as a creed. Updated 6.21.2022
Adobe Acrobat document [69.6 KB]
Worship Him!
Possibly my most significant discovery, my important study, and Heaven's most urgent appeal:
The Last Imperative for Humanity. 1 page. This is it. Updated 10.01.2023
Adobe Acrobat document [1.9 MB]
The 3 Angels' Message - on 1 Page
Part 1: Overview
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A Brief Study of the New Moon
Quite fascinating aspects of the function of the new moon in the Old Testament - renewal and new beginning - monthly!
Adobe Acrobat document [560.5 KB]
Passover - Feast of Freedom
A 1-page study and summary of the Feast of Passover
Part 1: Old Testament
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Feast Days: Passover - New Testament
A 1-page summary of Passover, esp. in the Gospel of John
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Sukkot - The Feast of Tabernacles
A 1-Page Overview
Adobe Acrobat document [608.2 KB]
Gold. Mine.
A 1-page summary of Stewardship
Not a doctrinal stepchild but worthy of a front-row seat in a system of beliefs!
Financial Faithfulness - The Ministry of Money!
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StandPoint: Millennium
A concise, 1-page overview of the Millennium. Practical rather than dogmatic.
Adobe Acrobat document [437.2 KB]
StandPoint: Death
What Really Happens When We Die
updated 11.14.2022
Adobe Acrobat document [204.9 KB]
StandPoint: The Sabbath
The Sabbath: His Time | My Test
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StandPoint: The Second Coming
A Bible Study on the Second Coming. Dense and detailed - might require some explanation, but should prove helpful in the field. And FREE!
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Rest. Stop. The Top Ten Texts on Rest & Sabbath in Scripture
A Summary of the 3rd Quarter Sabbath School Lesson on Rest.
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